Addresses and Opening Hours

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Our addresses and opening hours

The Ahmad Law Firm is located in MESAGNE at VIA CARMINE 47.

It is easily accessible by both private and public transportation, given its proximity to the train station and public bus stops.

It is also possible to schedule an appointment at another location in BRINDISI, at VIA STRABONE 32 (a side street of Via Appia), at the Studio Legale Cavalera & Resta, where Attorney Jacopo Antonio Ahmad works as a collaborator.

This location is also easily accessible by both private and public transportation, given its proximity to the train station and public bus stops.

Our opening hours

The Ahmad Law Firm receives clients by appointment, according to the opening hours listed below:

Monday – Friday

08.00 a.m. – 01.00 p.m.

Monday – Friday

04.00 p.m. – 07.00 p.m.

Saturday - Sunday
